Baron Studio takes basic environmental principles and integrates them with art and design. This approach treats all projects with the ecology and culture of place and space that respects the end user and all sustainable practices to ensure long term success.

*Since late October 2023 through August 2024 – 5,000 porcelain beads have been completed
“we grieve together… we create together… we commit to resolve together… inside tiny prayer space”
tiny prayer space
an immersive durational art practice
one clay bead will be made for every lost life since the Israel/Hamas/Palestinian conflict began October 7, 2023
The count is now over 45,000…
what does it mean to live with uncertainty…to endure?
bead making is one of the oldest art forms of record. Beads are found in every culture & represent the story of the world as symbols of bravery, accomplishment, adornment, ritual, self-expression, as currency, to address grief & bereavement, for meditation, trade, to hold love & practice mindfulness.
These porcelain clay beads are being made to represent all lives lost.. Israeli’s, Palestinians, Israeli & Palestinian women & children, medical professionals, soldiers, journalists, media reporters, & UN officials.
Environmental artist Joan Baron takes her social practice into a challenging place with her new work “tiny prayer space”. Over the years, Joan has consistently given us thought- provoking site -specific installations and collaborative performative pieces that delve into issues around social justice, regenerative systems & connectivity with the natural world. She investigates what drives human behaviors & what generates resilience. This new work offers space for self-reflection and the contemplation of loss within the collective experience.
Joan can be found in her “tiny space” (the name inspired by NPR’s Tiny Desk series) located at Rocking S Art Ranch 3133 E Sheridan St Phoenix, AZ. All are welcome to witness & participate in this provocative durational art experience.

Mushroom Illuminations is currently on display for SOME KIND OF NATURE at
FOMA Gallery in Santa Fe, NM from September 2 – September 23, 2023.
Mushroom Illuminations
Mushroom Illuminations celebrates the intelligent relationship of trees & fungi….a very active network of communication. The mixed-media floor & wall installation explores the mysterious & magical world of fungi & their symbiotic bonding to trees. Fallen timbers, tree roots, bark & soil provide the perfect environment for mushrooms to grow. In return, fungi provide nutrients to the trees. Ceramic vessels are informed by the shapes and textures of mushrooms. Salvaged tree branches & bark, mulch, flashlights & sound recordings of mushrooms in nature activate the installation. View complete installation details here..
listen to Amanita: Mushroom Music by Tarun Nayar | Modern Biology
listen on Spotify and YouTube
Tarun taps into nature, specifically mushrooms in the forests, to compose with their frequencies and sounds
About the Studio
Our studio is well known for innovative design and fabrication solutions to tile and mosaic works, site specific installations, art in public and private development, edible landscape design/consultation, hospital healing spaces, school campus aesthetics, community center design challenges & neighborhood enhancement projects.
A water harvesting cistern is a sculptural element in the landscape. Reclaimed onyx tile is a light transmitter for a steel gate.
The studio addition provides a space to create artwork and host workshops and tours. Outside, garden beds flourish with edible fruits and vegetables that are served from handmade ceramic bowls and platters. Chickens are busy laying eggs. “Food in the Alley Initiative” is an ongoing studio project that individuals can participate, contribute, and partake in its abundance. The chalk wall invites creative expression.
Visit the Studio
If you would like to experience this one-of-a-kind home and studio, please contact Joan for an appointment. | 602-616-0223
Building Relationships
there is a world just under our feet
where radical acceptance lives
a magical alchemy
trees, fallen lumber, fungi, earth, moisture…
deep intelligence
intimate compassion
nourishing…then illuminating
then sustaining,
each other’s existence